November Sunday Servants

Thank you to all our volunteers helping with our Worship Services in November.Sunday, November 3, 2024 | All Saints Sunday | Communion SundayScripture: John 5:19-30Liturgical Color: WhiteAltar Guild: Diane CoxCommunion Assistants: Pam Boyd & Diana AullLiturgist: Anna CoxAcolyte: Sophia FurtadoAssist

December Sunday Servants

Thank you to all our volunteers helping with our Worship Services in December.Sunday, December 1, 2024 | First Sunday of Advent | CommunionScripture: Luke 1:1-22Liturgical Color: GoldAltar Guild: Diane CoxLiturgist: Sharon CrittendonAcolyte: Mark Knowles Assisted by Molly KnowlesChildren’s Message:

Join Us in Praying For

Click here for the Submit Prayer Request FormNewJennifer SullivanOngoingLeaders & people of UkraineLeaders & people of Israel & PalestineThe people affected by the recent hurricanesScarlett AndersonBrad & Diana AullDan BradyJanie GriffinJerry “Pete” GroceMadeleine JarrettBruce JewettCora JohnsonTim

Poinsettias for Advent

Poinsettias for Advent

We are delighted to offer you the opportunity to purchase a Poinsettia to decorate the Sanctuary for Advent. You can choose to dedicate your purchase to remember or honor someone. Please take your poinsettia home after the Christmas Eve service.You can order online or call the church office.Order No

Wellroot Christmas Wish List

Wellroot Christmas Wish List

Want to be a Christmas Angel?Wellroot Family Services has provided us with a “wish list“ for children, teens, and families. (These gifts are truly needed!) If you find it in your heart to help someone else this Christmas, please purchase a gift (or two) and leave it in the empty classroom beside the

Tithes and Offerings

Tithes and Offerings

2024 GivingOur monthly budget is $25,239.49. Week of 10/6: $4,095.15 Week of 10/13: $4,784.96 Week of 10/20: $1,222.00 Week of 10/27: $892.00 Our remaining need for October is $14,245.38.We appreciate you continuing to contribute to the ministries and the operating costs of our beloved Morrow First

Glisson Turns 100 in 2025

Glisson Turns 100 in 2025

Here’s How You Can Help PrepareIn 2025, Glisson will mark 100 years of ministry! That’s a lot of campouts and creek hikes!There are also countless stories of belonging, transformation, and calling for hundreds of thousands of children, youth, and adults across a century of camp and retreat ministry.